Setting up and Running Chronos


The dcos-vagrant provides an easy way to try DC/OS and Chronos within a virtual machine using Vagrant.


These requirements are just to run Chronos. You will need additional packages to build Chronos from source (see the Building from Source section below).

Install from Packages

Mesosphere provides Docker images for Chronos, available from Docker hub at

Building from Source

Follow these steps to build Chronos from source. This configuration assumes you already have Mesos installed on the same host (see Mesosphere link above to get a Mesos package).


These requirements are to build and run Chronos.

Build Chronos

Install Node first. On OSX, try brew install node.

Start up Zookeeper, Mesos master, and Mesos slave(s). Then try

export MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY=/usr/local/lib/
git clone
cd chronos
mvn package
java -cp target/chronos*.jar org.apache.mesos.chronos.scheduler.Main --master zk://localhost:2181/mesos --zk_hosts localhost:2181

Environment Variables Mesos Looks For

  • MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY: Absolute path to the native mesos library. This is usually /usr/local/lib/ on Linux and /usr/local/lib/libmesos.dylib on OSX.

If you’re using the installer script this should be setup for you.

Running Chronos

The basic syntax for launching chronos is:

java -jar chronos.jar --master zk:// --zk_hosts

Please note that you need to have both Mesos and Zookeeper running for this to work!

For more information on configuration options, please see Configuration.